3 Ways You Can Help Out Your Local Church With Your Used Bookstore

Owning a used bookstore does more than just provide affordable reading material to your community; it can be a great way to give back to your faith as well. Here are 3 ways you can use your used bookstore business to help out your local church and its members.

Donate religious texts

If you carry any books related to religion, including:

  • songbooks
  • memoirs
  • fiction
  • non-fiction
  • self-help
  • autobiographies
  • Bibles

You can donate these to your local church. These books can come in very handy for those interested in religion or for your church to pass on to local retirement communities, homeless shelters, and other locations where a religious boost can be very welcome. Your donation can even be considered a tax credit when it comes time to file, which is an added benefit for your business.

Host a reading group

Let your used bookstore become a community gathering spot for a religious reading group. This reading group can be advertised at your local church, inviting members and their friends to gather at your bookstore at designated dates to discuss new authors, topics, and simply hang out and make new friends. You can bring awareness of your used bookstore to your general community in hosting a reading group while helping your church reach out to people who could use a friend or an activity to look forward to.

If you don't want to host a reading group at your bookstore, you can still benefit your local church by loaning your congregation books that people can read at another location. You can work with your church activities organizer to pick titles people can read throughout the year and go through your stock to make sure you have copies of the texts needed.

Do a food drive

Nearly 15% of America's population experiences poverty, meaning that many people don't know where their next meal is coming from. You can help your local church feed your local community by doing a food drive at your used bookstore. Encourage your community to donate food in exchange for books. Food items should be non-perishable and nutritious, including:

  • canned soups
  • boxed pastas
  • hot and cold cereal
  • baby food/formula
  • canned vegetables/fruit
  • powdered milk

Food items donated in exchange for purchases can then be given to church organizers to donate to local shelters and food banks, or to feed those within your church congregation.

Owning a used bookstore can be beneficial and rewarding in many ways. You can help your local church make a difference in your community by doing small things that have a huge impact.
