Volunteering Through Prayer For A Few Minutes A Day

Many people have recently experienced major changes in their lives. If the loss or illness of loved ones and friends, changes in work status, or financial difficulties have left you depressed, volunteering through prayer is a powerful form of therapy. By helping and connecting with others, you can:

  • relieve depression 
  • transform anxiety into positive intentions and actions towards others 
  • develop self-confidence 

When your time is dedicated to the service of others, doors to spiritual development and new opportunities open. A good way to discover how you can be of service to your community is to attend a Pentecostal Christian church service

Volunteering through prayer 

If you have a strong desire to volunteer but face physical, time, or other limitations, volunteering through prayer is a way to help and even heal others. Prayer can be practiced anywhere, and only a few minutes a day of your time can make a difference in someone's life. 

Prayer is a powerful form of healing. In many faiths, no special status or power is required to participate in healing through prayer. During Pentecostal church services, for example, the congregation prays in groups and through the laying on of hands. In their faith, prayer is central to healing. 

Following are ways to volunteer through prayer: 

Laying on of hands

In the spirit of Jesus, the Pentecostal Christian church still actively practices the laying on of hands. The ceremony is used in divine healing, blessings, and prayer requests. To participate, only your presence, prayer, and good intentions are required. While praying for the healing of an ill person, touch is believed to have healing powers. 

The laying on of hands is used for diverse blessings. You may, for example, choose to participate in the laying on of hands for a family leaving on a charity mission, moving to a new city for a job change, or requiring spiritual support during a serious illness in the family. 

Prayer circles 

In a prayer circle, the participants join hands to pray for the well-being of others. You can participate in a prayer circle from anywhere. If you cannot physically attend a prayer circle, the circle will ask you to pray with them at the same time. Virtual prayer circles organized over the internet are a powerful way for people sharing the same good intentions to come together to pray. 

If you want to learn about the many ways in which you can use prayer to serve your community, you can observe different types of prayer practices by attending a Pentecostal Christian church service. 
